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The Evolution Debate Challenge | Year in Review - Dr. Kent Hovind (Refuting Evolution)
Refuting Arguments For Evolution | Evolution Debate Challenge (OPEN MIC) || With Dr. Dino
EVOLUTION DEBATE | Are Beneficial Mutations Evidence for Evolution? - Kent Hovind vs. Luca Medugno
The Dr. Dino (Kent Hovind) VS James W ULTIMATE TRILOGY | The Evolution Debate Challenge (2022)
DEBATE | Is There Reasonable Evidence for Evolution? || Kent Hovind vs. Nick (Planarwalk)
Creation vs Evolution Debate - Kent Hovind debates Dr. Hartman
The Great Evolution Debate | Kent Hovind vs. Grayson || Evolution on Trial
The Great Kent Hovind vs. Ken Rock Debate Trilogy | Evolution on Trial
DEBATE | Is There Reasonable Evidence for Evolution? - Dr. Dino (Kent Hovind) vs. Ian Chen
REVIEW! Is Evolution a Reasonable Scientific Theory? Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Wade the Wizard
DEBATE | Is There Reasonable Evidence for Evolution? || Kent Hovind vs. Snake Was Right (Taylor)
Shortest Scientist vs Creationist debate ever.